What is the mechanism according to which the plans in the Ministry of Economy operate?
One of the characteristics for planning in Oman is that it is a collaborative process between the public sector, the private sector and the wider community. The Ministry of Economy has adopted a methodology through the formation of a technical committee concerned with the preparation of the plan under the chairmanship of H.E. the Secretary-General and the membership of all the concerned governmental authorities in addition to the State Council and the Shura Council. The committee has various sub-committees that deal with the financial framework, economic diversification and other sectors.

The General Secretariat of the Ministry of Economy submits the plan to the Ministry of Economy, which refers the same to the Council of Ministers, which sends them to the Shura Council pursuant to Article (58) bis (40) of the Basic Law of the State.
How can the citizens submit their requests for development services?
The citizens can submit their requests for services through municipal councils in their respective regions. These councils, in the light of the priorities they set, shall formulate and refer citizens` requests to the competent authorities, whether the Ministry of Economy, ministries or the concerned government agencies. Another channel available to the citizens for is the representative of his region at the Shura Council, who approaches the concerned entities to review these requests.