This page gives information about the website of the Ministry Of Economy

How to navigate our website
The titles shown on the header of this page indicate the main section of this website. When you click any of these titles, it shall become bold and scroll down the main list for that section and the list of this section shall lead you to links for other pages within the same section.
This website supports other languages
The SCEP Website currently supports two languages; mainly Arabic and English and to navigate the contents of this website, just click the required language.
Explorer Support
We have exerted all possible efforts to render this website easily accessible for many navigators and accordingly, it is supported by various navigators such as Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox and others.
Setting the text font
Our website was programmed using relative font sizes and accordingly, you may enlarge or reduce the font size as appropriate and convenient to you. For example, to enlarge the font, click the icon A+ and to reduce the font, click the icon A-.
This feature helps you add the selected page to the list of your preferred pages and use the same in the social media networks and to save any URL, just press CTRL+D in your keyboard as the page shall be automatically added to your preferred URLs. This is the best way you can store many webpages in the website itself.
Hearing Texts:
This website provides a remarkable feature by which those who suffer vision disabilities can hear audibly read the text. To enact this feature, Kindly press the icon (listen to this page) found on the top left part of the page.

Sending Mails

This feature helps you send the page you explore to other persons or friend via email.
Acrobat Reader
The contents of this website are mostly in PDF format. Therefore, you should install the ACROBAT READER software on you pc.
Uploading the Electronic Page:
The SCP website was designed to facilitate quick uploading of the images and webpage but the speed depends on the internet service you have.

Printing from this Website
We have designed this website to suit the modern explorers and in case you want to print any pages, this website was supported by printing features. To print, just press the printing button.
Call Us:
In case you want to call us for help and assistance, please see the contact details on our page (CALL US).